We gave men the opportunity to discuss their value to women. I personally expected this to be an easy question; all men had to do was just tell us all the positive traits about themselves that a woman would find attractive.



I was honestly SHOCKED to find it wasn’t. Truly. A lot of men have clearly never in their life thought about what value they actually have to give a woman.

Even the fellas at PPD had no idea!



Let’s first consider the fact that if you ask a woman what her value is, we can usually break ourselves down to a science:

Physical: “I have big boobs/pretty face/fat ass/“

Emotional: “I’m supportive/good listener/...”

Community: “I take care of my grandma, volunteer at the animal shelter”

Sexual: “I’ve practiced ___ sexual act or wear this because my SO likes it”

Domestic: “I keep a clean home, I remember birthdays”

....etc!! We have been groomed to be of value to men and see ourselves in relation to how we benefit men from DAY ONE!


These are all tangible concrete things women do to bring value to men and to their community.


But men. Men have no goddamn idea and it’s sending me right now.


We got 100s of comments, and a clear minority of men actually successfully completed this exercise.

  • Many were just using the fact that we deal with them at all as evidence they have value. Complete tautology that boils down to “we have value because you value us”.

  • Very few had concrete and tangible things to describe to us other than sex (which most of them actually suck at! Ha!)

  • Others flat out tried to reverse the question

  • Many pointed to things other men have built as evidence of their value even though they had nothing to do with it.


The best answers we got out of hundreds boiled down to:


  1. Protect us from shittier men
  2. Financial contributions
  3. Odd Jobs around the house
  4. True Friendship and support (rare)

....but these men were in the clear minority!


It was very frustrating to read comment after comment of men having absolutely no clue why women should even be bothered with them.


Well if you don’t know Breh, then WE HERE at FDS don’t EITHER!!!


After this discussion I honestly want to change our slogan to say “Dick is abundant and literally ZERO value”!!!


It confirms to me that most men get women coasting on the groundwork of patriarchy, which has historically disenfranchised women legally, socially, economically, etc so that we are literally forced to seek value through men.


Men use emotional abuse tactics designed to undermine our self worth so severely that we would look at any raggedy scrap of man as better than nothing, and then convince ourselves we can do without.


We convince ourselves we don’t need to orgasm every time. We convince ourselves situationships are good enough. We convince ourselves we’re happy. All because now we have a man. This is how TRP operates; they convince you need them despite literally providing nothing. This is quite possibly the greatest swindle of all time.


Ladies, look at these men with a ruthlessly discerning eye, because if he is not actively contributing to your life, he is actually literally robbing you via opportunity cost.


This is why FDS does not advocate monogamy unless you are headed toward marriage, there is usually very little benefit other than you feel falsely “validated” because a man committed to you, a man who may very well be completely worthless and a drain on your time and energy.


You have a finite fertility window and a finite amount of time on this earth, don’t waste a second on men who do not actively make you ecstatically blissfully happy 90% of the time.


You win literally nothing by tying yourselves to the vast majority of men. This is the definition of playing a stupid game and winning a stupid prize. And honestly, they think you’re stupid for dealing with them because even they have no idea why you bother.