So I have in my past gave men praise for doing simple shit that they should have already been doing or gotten attached feelings because of the lowest amount of effort. I spoke to my friend about this and the simplest answer is I never had parents to show me what the bar was.

Its easy to see when someone isnt used to something by the way they brag about it or talk about it in high regard, which is why pickmes are often bragging about something their bf did. Its possible they never had a father to show them and instill in them high regard for self and a level of respect to begin with.

There should be a way to get to the root of the problem with these women in such a way that they realize there is a void they are trying to fill and they are going about it in the wrong way. Just bashing and dragging them imo is just not affective, and could be done in better taste.

Am I reaching or can we approach this more affectively?