I didn't get into this sub until after new years 2020. I had been on OLD during 2019 and started gradually realizing that I deserved better. This one guy from before the new year had been seeing me around thanksgiving and he got cold and distant by Christmas. Hed make plans and cancel, made rude comments saying I was too dressed up, wore too much makeup, etc. During the course of when we "dated" aka met up at dumpy bars last minute I foolishly opened up to him and told him my dream of moving to a big popular city. I'm not gonna get too specific so we will just call it the city. He acted supportive of it and encouraged me, saying how he also always wanted to move far away too but he was stuck.

Anyways as he fizzled because I started not accepting his last minute and LVM behavior and started rejecting his offeres for netflix and and chill he started never responding I'd keep trying to hit him up and be a cool girl and pickme. He fed me some lines then that he "was in a bad place" and "he actually relaized he wasnt ready for a relationship yet". I believed this and figured it was okay for us to just text here and there (dont do this I was a pickme). Around new years he messaged me happy new year and I told him I would actually be moving in a few months to that city. He said congrats and I'm happy for you I wish I could move and then just stopped responding. Then the new years eve drama happened and after being stood up by someone else I went and deleted all the guys numbers I still had but didnt actually block them! Then I started FDS and chalked him up as another mistake to learn from. But anyways the time came and I moved out to that big city.

A few days ago I got a text from an unsaved number "hey how's the big popular city?" I thought it was one of my old classmates so I just responded "I'm so happy here, I only regret not leaving sooner! Who is this?" Well the random number let four full days pass and never said who they were.

Then today he responded with a video link. Just a link no explanation or anything else. I open it and it's a video saying "15 reasons not to move to the big popular city" Thats when I knew that number was that scrote I saw between Thanksgiving and christmas. He had the audacity to hit me up again after letting MONTHS go past of being silent, just to rudely send me a link to criticize my decision to leave and move. Because hes butthurt and mad I actually did something I wanted to do. Because despite him complaining about his hometown as much as he did back then hed always say how he wanted to leave and was stuck.

Ladies I'm here to actually report that since following FDS for a few months and actively trying to improve myself I can confirm that scrotes will always be scrotes. People dont change. A lot of you are actually hesitating to delete guys numbers or feel the need to comment back and still communicate or tell him off. Stop wasting your time. When a guy actually shows you a red flag it's time to run and fully completely delete and block him. Dont feel the need to tell him you leveled up or want to still keep him around on social media / texting just for "the satisfaction" of telling him you're thriving and happy. You also need to watch out for mutual friends that he has with you that run back and report to him, you really need to set boundaries with them and cut them off if they dont listen. Because I sat here tonight seething over that text and his audacity, I found it horrendously insulting. It actually hurt me a lot because it threw me right back to remembering my old fake friends and exes that would make fun of me or make rude comments about my new expensive clothes and when I bought my new car. If someone whether it's a friend or date cant be happy for you when you do things that make you happy (even if they arent into it) then you need to let them go. For example but friend rides an ATV and just bought a new one, I'm personally not into them at all, but I was very happy for her because I know she worked hard, got that ATV she wanted and will be having a blast with it. Also if you're starting fds and are having a hard time deleting guys or maybe deleted them but you keep getting texts because you didnt block them it's actually not hard to change your number. Another idea is that if you are vetting someone you can use free texting apps with a fake phone number. This will help if you have a hard time cutting people off.