Literally no one is telling men that they are not allowed to see that someone is physically attractive while being in a relationship, or that they have to become blind and divert their eyes from every woman on the face of the planet. However, there’s a huge difference between noticing that someone is attractive, keeping it to yourself, and not ogling someone, vs acting like a clown in front of your girlfriend or in public. But somehow lvm/nvm don’t get this, and when confronted about shitty behavior always use that line. No, I do not care to know that you find some woman attractive. There’s literally zero point in telling me this. No, I’m not okay with you doing double takes to look at women in front of me, staring at a woman’s chest or butt, doing 180s to look at a woman or follow her with your eyes around the room, and I don’t have to be. This is also probably creepy af and objectifying for the woman and she doesn’t want you doing it either. No, I’m not okay with you liking posts of half-naked women and sex workers on social media, or going to strip clubs (yes that includes at you or your buddies’ bachelor parties), or talking about what actress or porn star that you find hot. Absolutely none of these are “not allowing” men to be attracted to other people, but men always jump to the defense of “I’m allowed to find people attractive!” or “I’m not blind because I’m in a relationship!” when a woman points out disrespect. It comes down to the fact that if you respect your s.o., you respect their boundaries regarding it, and moreover, you shouldn’t even want to be doing these things. Your girlfriend should be the most attractive person to you, and if she is, you shouldn’t be doing this other shit. Pickmes will also throw this phrase around as a way to shame women who have boundaries and defend these men for some reason.
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