Since leveling up I've had a hard time getting through TV shows featuring romance, but this one was so misguided on so many levels I just couldn't stop and want to do a literary analysis. 😂 Also the actors are hot.

The heroine is a suburban stay at home mom with a provider seemingly HVM, but she misses her glory days partying in NYC with her best friend and bad guy ex boyfriend. Her fantasies turn to real life when she runs into her ex.

The problem with this show is it sets up only two possibilities for a woman:

  1. A safe, caring, stable, but boring (especially sexually!) marriage.
  2. A wild and spicy involvement that leaves you heartbroken.

Unfortunately both of the men are LVM! Her husband ignores her emotional and sexual needs and is married to his job. The ex boo is abusive with daddy issues.

It's also flabbergasting that the heroine gives up her passion - her PhD in psychology - to settle down. Her best friend (seemingly HVW) also sleeps with her hot ex boo and they move past it like nothing happened. 😱

The show states we cannot have it all, and just need to learn to appreciate what we do have, or do what the heroine does and act out in inappropriate ways like having an affair. Since this is so looked down upon, it further condemns wanting more.

Has anyone else watched this?? 🍿