Extremes are actually necessary to support the center.

They normally never become a majority, unless something is deeply wrong with society. For example, fascism in many countries only came to power after the Great Depression, when people became poor and vulnerable.

Also - huge difference - even the most extreme women groups don't advocate abuse and illegal activities for the sake of bedding some man, like many of the misogynistic cults on reddit do. We also don't go and troll in their forums like they do here.

At the moment, the only huge popularity I see on the internet is extreme men's groups. They are loud, ugly to the point where they even disgust other men, and they are EVERYWHERE, particularly in crazy popular meme sites that are frequented by impressionable children and teens. I haven't seen any misandristic memes and posts there. Hm, I wonder why that is...

Apparently these men are victims because they can't get laid by the photoshoped images they see on the internet and that drives them crazy. They keep telling us that women are obligated to give every Tom, Dick and Harry a chance in bed, no matter how lame of a loser he is. But what they actually mean is, they want to fuck Instahoes, who don't even exist in reality, not regular women.

Trick question: Ask Sam from IT if he remembers Sally from accounting. If she isn't conventionally attractive, he won't know who she is, even if he sees her and talks to her every day. But if Sally dares to have preferences in men, she is instantly a bitch.

They also keep bitching about divorce laws, when they have actually never been more fair in the history of humanity. Courts which apparently "favored" women was an extremely short lived thing, in the past men always got the children and everything. You got shafted during the divorce not because of laws and evil women, but because you thought with your dick when you got married.