I've been with a lovely man for a few months now, and he always knew I didn't drink, but about a month ago, we finally had a discussion on why. I felt it was time, I trust him, and it came up naturally. I told him about my past issues with alcohol and how I don't drink now because I CAN'T. About AA...all of it. Well, he informed me this morning that he hasn't had a drink either since I told him, because he wants to support me, and make sure that he never puts me in a position to struggle on his account. He plans to continue sobriety (he doesn't have an issue though), citing me as an inspiration. (And it'd help his fitness goals too). I'm not saying he's a HVM yet, but this is on a long developing list of green flags he's shown me so far.
[–]sewingmachinesaviorFDS Newbie93 points94 points95 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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