I talked to a lot of scrotes on OLD before I found this sub and noticed that a lot of them not only brag about having sex, or boast about their "body count" but the thing that really concerned me was when they'd feel the need to tell me "I can go for so many rounds, I'll have you up all night!" Seriously, dump these guys.

Any guy thats turning a conversation sexual, especially early on, is a red flag. These men are usually pornsick and just want casual hookups. The men that brag about going for so many rounds usually are the ones with premature ejaculation or have problems as a result of porn sickness. A bunch of the guys I had been with were always talking about how they can keep going and this was always far from the truth. Do they really think women want to hear about you being able to last for 8 rounds? It always sounded ridiculous and exhausting to me. I want to hear your feedback on this, I can't be the only one.

Another thing scrotes would say to me included "You're so quiet in bed / you never moan / why aren't you vocal / im the only one moaning I feel weird!" - ladies, if you're in the act do not fake moan and do not exaggerate. People always say don't fake an orgasm which is true, but im extending this to making any sounds! If it feels that good, the sounds/pleasure will just happen naturally. Dont force it or hype it up for him. If hes selfish in bed and it isn't pleasurable for you then you need to leave and dump him! Don't stay over afterwards, dont get dinner afterwards, dont bother cuddling. Just leave.

Another red flag is if he doesn't cuddle you afterwards or bring you some water. He should be cleaning up, helping you get dressed, bring you a drink, snuggle, or even ask if you want to order takeout. Whats up with guys passing out as soon as they're done? I had good sex and 5 min later he was snoring and passed out. I crept my way out and headed home. It was so disappointing he was good and then that was it- when I was hoping we'd eat and watch a movie and cuddle or something cute.

Also beware of guys that switch positions or try to get you to do positions that don't feel great just so they can last longer or men that say they need more sex so they can practice how to last longer. If a position isn't giving you pleasure its time to stop that and not listen to him twisting your arm for it again. Men lie having more sex won't cure ED!

I'm also tired of being asked ArE YoU oN bIrTh CoNtRoL? by men. It takes two to have sex, and why should the responsibility of birth control fall solely on you? Even if you are on birth control, being on it should be your decision, and not something a sexual partner coerced you into. Regardless, you need to make him wear a condom. And don't be ashamed in asking him to get STD tested prior to sleeping with him. If he talks to you about previous partners or just talks that hes clean, remember talk is cheap, you can ask him for an std test and ask to see it (because men lie). This is not taboo and we need to normalize it. If he complains or gives you grief about wearing a condom/ getting tested/ whines that you need to be in birth control so I can have the "full feeling" just walk out of his life. Dont argue, dont explain. If you're in a committed relationship for a while and you do want to get birth control or switch birth control you have every right to ask your partner to at least help pay for it. IUDs can be pricey for example, and maybe you'll need someone to drive you home, so a HVM should be gladly stepping up. But just remember birth control should be YOUR decision and not a result of pressure from a man. If a man wants to go raw and says he'll buy you plan B afterwards do not sleep with him!!

Lastly a reminder that if he says a previous woman laid there lack a sack of potatoes / robot/ dead fish its a huge giveaway that hes awful in bed and rapey. Run.