We rip on mAlE FeMiNiSTs a lot here, but let's get specific. Whenever it comes up I think of these dudes.

First guy is a piece of work. Used to identify as a feminist ally until I pointed out that through his flagrant use of hookers (both in the US and the developing world), he's probably participating in human trafficking. Which like, imo buying the use of enslaved women's vaginas is probably one of the least feminist thing anyone can do. To his credit, he's stopped identifying as a feminist ally, but obviously hasn't stopped paying for sex. Also masturbation addict. Natch.

Second guy is just suuuper wOkE. So I'm brown right, and when I tell this dude about my experiences that don't comply with his preconceived notions of the immigrant/female experience in the US, he's completely dismissive of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for smashing the patriarchy. But not EVERYTHING is racism/sexism. (I think it's actually really important to be careful with these labels so we can have genuine discussions about these topics.) I'm also a academic social scientist. So I don't need some rich white dude who doesn't actually know anything about lived PoC or female experiences telling me what is and isn't institutionalized racism and sexism. And like, WoC are not damsels in distress for old white men to save from the prejudice social institutions they created.

Third guy I actually dated for like 3mo. Identified as a feminist but felt compelled to mansplain to me the shit that I literally study for my PhD. Also claimed to LoOoOoOoVe eating pussy. I'll give you one guess as to whether or not he actually did.

Anyone else know guys like this??? I feel like I'm in the upside down where words don't have meanings.