My school runs an annual free speech competition called Tonderai: the event is dedicated to a man (named Tonderai) who was killed for standing up for what he believed in. Students are encouraged to write a speech and present it in front of the school on assembly. I have never done a speech before, but now that I am in Grade 12, have read 12 Rules for Life, and solidified my own political opinion I decided to discuss the dangers of equality of outcome and third wave feminism. I wrote my speech and sent it to a couple of friends who were excited at the discussion it might create. It got circulated around the school, and I received an email from the teacher who coordinates the event (we’ll call him Mr G) telling me that I was no longer allowed to present my speech as he had read it and thought it might offend some people. I told this to my friends, who, like me, became quite upset. One friend (we’ll call him Sam) got particularly angry about how my speech was being blocked from a free speech event and decided to do my speech instead of his. I thought this was an awesome (and edgy) idea, but told him not to be afraid to back down as well, as the repercussions may be huge. Sam did the speech on assembly this morning. Mr G was fuming and staring at me the whole time. It was pretty funny to be honest. Many teachers and students have since found out about it, and our head of secondary himself, after finding out about the situation, said that blocking my speech totally went against the spirit of the Tonderai event and he therefore fully supports what Sam did. The speech also encouraged some healthy discussion about feminism throughout my school, so that’s good. Mr G is still angry though. He sent an email to everyone involved in Tonderai thanking them for their time, but didn’t sent it to Sam. Haven’t heard anything from Mr G yet, and honestly am not expecting to. This censorship totally backfired on him.
[–]casra8885 points6 points7 points (0 children) | Copy Link
Free speech is only allowed if it's speech they approve of. Cultural Marxists are absolute hypocritical scum and deserve nothing but contempt. He shouldn't be allowed near a school.
[+]qizhNotch-18 points-17 points-16 points (6 children) | Copy Link
Free speech has never, will never, and should never exist.
[–]deSuspect12 points13 points14 points (2 children) | Copy Link
Ok then, imagine all your beliefs are censored and any attempt at saying anything against current system gets you punished, silenced or placed in jail. Becouse that's exactly what you get when there is no free speech.
[+]qizhNotch-15 points-14 points-13 points (1 child) | Copy Link
I don’t have to imagine, I lived under such system for 2 decades. And did I complain? No.
[–]deSuspect10 points11 points12 points (0 children) | Copy Link
Well then have fun with that I guess. Not everyone likes to be a brainless puppet.
[–]casra88813 points14 points15 points (0 children) | Copy Link
Free speech is crucial to human development.
[–]Barack_Lesnar1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
God imagine being a simp for the establishment.
[–]hajimodnar1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
And yet you're allowed it.