Crosspost "70% of missing indigenous people in Canada are boys/men... $350 million inquiry is only for women?? Huh? & in the report feminists say it wolud be "a grave mistake to include boys and men" in the inquiry. Meanwhile UN policies are formed to ONLY feed women. Feminism has no place in egalatarianism" from /r/Egalitarianism:

Feminism 101... 30% of victims are female, hence the issue gendered ONLY to females. The question is wht stats can femiisms hatered get away with? On feminism forum, they are already making 95% of black policed deaths being male, somehow women disproprtionatley affected.

Feminism has no place in egalatarinism. Its misandry and hypocrisy is to thte point of parody, and it is enough to now classify feminism as a hate movemnt.

With further research it turns out feminism today in its 4t wave, is infludence by people with mental illnesses, including paranoia, schizopehrania and depression.

Examining the history of many of the original feminists academics, one notices that many were sexually molested or suffered through some other violent abuse at some stage of their lives.

Andrea Dworkin who wrote “Women Hating”, was molested at the age of nine and severely abused by her first husband. Shulamith Firestone who wrote “The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution” had severe mental illness in the form of schizophrenia. Valerie Solanas who was considered one of the most radical feminists ever, writing the famous work “Scum Manifesto” rose up to fame after shooting the famous artist Andy Warhol. Her father molested her as a child and she ended up being committed to a psychiatric hospital after being diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Many of the other early feminists were first generation children from holocaust survivors with Epigenetic (traits inherited through the genes) trauma from their parents. Many feminists’ fathers had PTSD after returning from service or prison camps in World War 2 and continued the cycle of violence upon their children. PTSD inducing incidents cause the sufferers' brains to become hard wired to permanently hate and fear certain groups or types of people, and because the neurons become hard wired, there is little they can do to alter this long-enduring fearful revulsion. This type of reaction is also common to many war veterans after returning from combat. When someone has PTSD their perspective of the world is often very fixed to an alerted Amygdala flight or fight response. One has to ask how much of the opinions, and all the initial feminist doctrines and ideology relating to male patriarchal power, oppression, gender studies and related issues were written by women suffering PTSD or similar related conditions? There is no objective view possible if it is tainted through the lens of a fear and hatred from past traumatic events, in which the pain continues to be replayed thousands of times through self revised traumatic repetitions of the original episodes. This would be highlighted even further when it is echoed within groups who have all had a comparable experience, thus reaffirming and strengthening the belief collectively of what the original source of their trauma was.

People who have lost their power through a traumatic episode want someone to blame for the pain, suffering and disconnect they now feel, and will often fight for an alternative source of power to fill the vacuum of helplessness they feel. Old World War 2 and Vietnam veterans will often talk about hatred they still have for the “Japs”, “Krauts” and “Charlie”, even though many decades have passed since those wars had finished, many will drink, engage in dangerous behaviours and self medicate with various substances to temporarily fill the void. The psychological damage these early feminists had is no different to the ones the veterans face except who they identified as the enemy, in the feminist case it was men as a group who became known in feminist lore as “The Patriarchy”. So while there are hierarchies in the world and many of them are run by men, the concept of one great underlying oppressive group that subjugates and oppresses society and government is a paranoid and irrational view of someone absorbed in psychiatric distress, who is seeking for strategies to protect themselves and explain the origins of their perpetual despair and torment. If a world war two veteran suffering from PTSD were to tell you that “All German people are all evil” you could explain to them that it would be impossible for all members of a specific society to be that way, and how the populous had been indoctrinated to evil ideologies by dark prophets. This rational explanation though would not be enough because those damaged by trauma become deaf to logical reasoning surrounding it.

Many of those feminists who were suffering from deep trauma authored the original books and papers that became the bedrock of the feminist movement. Since then the mythology has endured and developed into a huge unverifiable here-say pseudo science, that has corrupted and held back studies within disciplines such as Sociology over half a century now.

If individuals are lost in an ideology, providing evidence contrary to their core belief threatens the ideology’s existence, so research bias (the process where the scientists performing the research influence the results in order to portray a certain outcome.) has become endemic to these feminist dominated sciences. The core of many feminist Sociology departments’ research has been based around the erroneous assumptions that patriarchal hierarchies and systemic oppression are the main source of most of the problems and dysfunction within our culture, while in truth it is really trauma that it is the foundational source of it.

By collecting the statistical data from an average town, calculating that only a small percentage of the men in this population need to be violent or have predatory tendencies for a large part of the women’s population to suffer at some point in their life some kind of traumatic episode. So even though there are men that do horrible things to women they only make up a small percentage of the total population of men. Those female victims of assault and trauma develop an unconscious bias, where they begin to see most if not all men in that population as bad, fearful or evil. This is why when the concept of the Patriarchy is mentioned many women resonate with it, because it seems to provide a very plausible explanation behind what has happened to them and other women.

Over a slow process feminists views intertwined themselves with Marxists’ ones creating a new hyper-normalisation where those lost within the ideology can no longer see the difference between the two. So if you want to be a Feminist fighting for women and other minorities rights you have to believe their Marxist ideology around an oppressor which it turns out is the Patriarchy. Traditional Feminine traits such as gentleness, empathy, sensitivity, caring, sweetness, compassion, tolerance, nurturing are not valued anymore as women can’t be seen to be weak or vulnerable. Once indoctrinated into the cult like ideology you can not rest or be at peace until the Patriarchy has been eliminated, so your mind and actions become swayed like an automaton with an individual objective, that justifies any unsavoury actions you may have to take in the process. A T-800 from the Terminator films would be the closest analogy in our contemporary mythology, in that you can’t plead, debate or negotiate with it, and it will destroy all that stand in its path to achieve what someone has programmed it to do.

This is even further muddled by movements such as climate change protesters, environmentalists, vegans, animal rights all blending into the 4th wave, and then all vying for influence and power within the movement. With all of them now believing the Patriarchy plays a great part in who is to blame in all their separate battles. Around the world many white straight women, Gay men and Jews are being removed from positions of power or are being dumped and replaced by trans, black lives matter and other minorities.

Posted by mhandanna | 5 June 2020 | Link