I am a long-time supporter of Amnesty International in Czechia but after recent events, I have no other option than to terminate my membership.

I am completely fine that they, among other things, promote woman's rights exclusively - in the context of developing countries that can be a positive thing. But what happened next is not ok.

Instead of promoting human rights or equality, Amnesty.cz now openly promotes feminism - and they do so with a false statement! There is a big poster on their website with a quote from the "most famous feminist" Gloria Steinem that says "A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men". Which is of course a false statement, because A) it is a formal logical fallacy non sequitur, just because (if!) feminism recognizes equality not everyone who who recognizes equality is a feminist. Basics of logic, anyone? And B) the statement is false in the real world too, when even feminists acknowledge that only a very small fraction of those who support equality also support feminism.

I had a log conversation about this with Amnesty.cz but to no avail. First, they defended Steinem's false claim with more logical fallacies. Then, when I objected that I do not agree with my financial support being used for the promotion of any ideology not relevant to Amnesty's mission, they concluded that they would rather lose me as a financial supporter than stop using lies to promote feminism. That's that.

And now, as part of their latest campaign to change the legal definition of rape in Czechia, Amnesty.cz also pushes the lie that false rape accusations are "extremely rare". Like a true feminists, they start their lie with a strawman argument, objecting that "it is not truth that false rape accusations are commonplace" - which nobody says. I confronted them with basic Wikipedia source citing credible studies that show that false rape accusation are between 2% and 10%. Which is not "extremely rare" at all. Actually, the number is similar to the percentage of people who identify as LGB. Or 10x higher than the percentage of people who identify as transgender. I do not consider these minorities "extremely rare" and their rights unimportant. Needles to say, Amnesty.cz replied to my confrontation with more strawman arguments.

I am deeply saddened that my favourite charity - which helped persecuted and tortured people in their suffering for decades - has now been abducted by toxic feminism. I think it is time that I support men's rights charity instead. What would you recommend?