This article is interesting for our sub for various reasons. First: the left is always advocating as much equality as possible. The author points out that (in)equality is not just an economic thing, but also plays a big role in the dating market.

Then: on this sub there is constant discussion about evolutionary determinism on one side, ignoring biology on the other, and everything in between. I think that evolutionary determinism nor ignoring biology are able to do anything at all about this issue. The latter because it either denies this problem exists, or will state it will go away with more equality between the sexes - in spite of the fact that the problem has only grown bigger in the last thirty years. The former because of their determinism: they think men and women just behave that way and always will. The author comes close to that, though he leaves some nuance in his narrative.

IMHO we have our, quite strong, natural tendencies, but we can also use our brains. We're hardwired to eat as many calories as possible, but we can decide it's not healthy and even learn to like food better with less sugar and fat in it. But we can only change our tendencies when we acknowledge they're there.

Lots of men are not satisfied with the current situation, but many women aren't either. They end up either alone, or with a hot man who doesn't turn out to be the ideal partner. (Even a spiritual feminist like Teal Swan warns women for the latter.) A monogamous society at least forced people not to look for the partner highest in the dating hierarchy, but for someone who is the most fitting partner for them. Hopefully we can find a way to make that idea popular again without returning to old-fashioned puritanism. As I said, it would benefit everybody.