Do you think men’s ability to hide their negative emotions and struggles in life adds to the perception that men have no problems?

The amount of especially women I meet who are just completely unaware that men face any struggles in life is honestly astounding. Like just go to any women oriented sub and see the way they talk about men’s lives. How jealous they are that men live “carefree” and easy lives

I mean it makes sense right? If you as a woman look around and never see any of the men in your life cry, be vulnerable, seem bothered by anything or just generally seem to struggle in life, it’s only natural you start to assume that surely everything in their lives must just be smooth sailing. Right? especially because you didn’t yourself grow up as a man and didn’t get to experience everything about being a young boy and becoming a man in our culture entails

It’s just depressing honestly. They really just don’t get it at all. It makes me feel lonely more than anything else.

It also seems that other men get convinced that other men have it easy as well. Even if they themselves struggle they just assume it’s them and nothing more common