It's a very real fact how there's plenty of abusive women and women who are rapists, pedophiles, etc. who prey on boys and men (a fact feminists always like to downplay or even outright ignore), but they rarely get attention and in the entertainment industry they're almost never depicted. Can you think of any films, TV shows, etc. where abusive or sex-offending women are depicted? It's not my intention to demonize women so please don't take it that way, I just hate how this is overlooked and brushed aside so much.

The third season of American Horror Story had a mother molesting her son and engaging in sex acts with him, and the 2006 movie Running Scared depicted a female pedophile working with her husband, both kidnapping children and taking them to their home.

Both are absolutely disgusting, and moreso considering plenty of women like this exist in real-life just as men do. But as always, feminists will downplay or ignore it to make it seem that abuse, violence, rape, pedophilia, etc. are only a male problem. Abuse, violence and sexual offenses are all equally reprehensible no matter the genders of the perps and victims.