I saw a sign with this slogan at a crafts store I was at earlier. You can imagine my reaction upon seeing it. How is this not blatant gender discrimination against men? Imagine how hurt boys would feel seeing a sign like this and actually seeing it used in clubs and gatherings where only girls are permitted. I can only imagine the uproar and outrage and controversy there'd be if there were a sign or slogan that said no girls allowed. As usual, no feminist backlash or protesting against slogans like this because of course, it fits with their obvious and blatant anti-male agenda. It reminds me of the T-shirt that said "Boys are stupid. Throws rock at them" and how there wasn't a peep from feminists over it, and yet just imagine how much of a firestorm of controversy there'd be if it said that about girls.

Sorry, but privilege, entitlement and supremacy are not my idea of equality. Which is exactly what slogans like this promote. Along with other similar ones I despise like the future is female, the future belongs to girls, etc. I view this as being no different whatsoever from sayings such as white power or Make America White Again. Same kind of bigotry and supremacy, just directed at a different group from a different group.