Maybe it was always like that, but I've noticed recently it has become a sort of circlejerk for conservative misogynists. I came to the sub because of the toll on my mental health from the rampant use of misandry I have experienced since covid began. I not only faced racial discrimination because of being asian, but also a lot of misandry.

I don't mean to share my story, that's not the point, but I went there because I wanted some validation from other people, and it concerns me that someone who has experienced misandry may seek a community for validation to inadvertently become a misogynist.

This is not the way towards a brighter future. It only creates further divides and distance in our struggles to find healthy masculinity and femininity.

Edit: Conservative might be a bit of a stretch, what I mean is most of the rhetoric used in the sub is stuff that Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro might say. Sometimes Andrew Tate, but I'd like to believe those are less commonplace than the other two.