I wasn't planning on doing anything in particular today. I just wanted a day off and figured that around the holidays was a good time to do that.

What I ended up doing was cleaning the house though. Top to bottom with chemicals - bleach, floor shine, windex, counter cleaner... There's not an inch of this house that I didn't touch today.

I also cooked. All three meals for me, my girlfriend (who works from home), and our kids.

And you know what I realized?

I would do the same thing every single day of my life if it meant I'd never have to work again. No more commuting. No more worrying about money, fighting for promotions, stress about layoffs, or having to kiss ass every day.

Now I'm not saying it was easy. In fact I think I'm about as tired as I would be coming home from work. But I'm strangely energized if that makes sense. I just feel better. (Plus, for the sake of argument, you don't do cleaning like that every day).

Anyway my point is that men definitely get the short end of the stick with this work vs cleaning stuff. It's completely unfair. Not just because women get the better end of the deal. But also because society won't admit to this and instead looks down on men and the work we typically do for the family.

If women don't want to do housework then that's fine. Get a job. A real job that requires real work and pays enough to cover the bills and not just your spending money. And then leave me home. I'll make that sacrifice. I'll take a bullet for the team. And you'd better be appreciative of me even if I don't appreciate you going to work and paying the bills. And when you get home, I get to boss you around and make you do whatever housework I decided I didn't want to do that day. Not to mention the yard work, running errands on the way home, fixing things, and everything else that doesn't entail "cooking and cleaning".

Because that's the world that men live in. And it sucks. It's not a privilege to leave your house and work all day only to get nagged and hassled when you get home. It's not a privilege to bust your butt every single day but have all of that ignored because your wife or girlfriend cleaned that day and is "tired".

Granted me and my girlfriend both work and we both regularly split chores. Not a whole lot of people live in traditionalist households anymore. But a lot of couples tend to split their responsibilities in that direction. With men working more (or at harder jobs) and women cleaning more.

I'd definitely do it though. So long as I was the one who got to stay home.