I stumbled onto a tweet like this on Twitter just earlier. I mean... wow. It's sad how blatant misandry like this is not only accepted but outright normalized. So every man is now apparently like Trump or his ilk? I wonder if the person who posted such an ignorant and hateful tweet feels about equally shitty women? Plenty of equally terrible women exist, including women who've had their hand in enabling Trump. There's plenty of terrible women and yet for whatever reason it's only the males who are singled out? Last I checked one's gender has nothing to do with them being good or bad but this kind of thinking harkens right back to the whole "men = evil, women = good" way of thinking so many radical feminists have.

This tweet was bad enough but somebody actually replied with a post that had the hashtag "#WomenAreOurOnlyHope." I'm so tired and fed up of seeing garbage like this, restoring America and it's dignity after the disaster that was Trump's four years will take a combined effort from men and women alike, but as usual feminists with this sort of thinking have warped it into their usual man vs. woman mentality and have mass-demonized the entire male gender. I can only imagine the uproar they'd have if a guy posted a tweet about owning shitty women. Such a tweet or post would likely get deleted and the account suspended.

It's unfortunate how what should be a time of hope and healing with the incoming new administration is leading to even more hate and division with this sort of thinking. Feminists have shown time and time again that misandry is not only acceptable to them but outright celebrated and even encouraged. This is such an incredibly ignorant, generalizing and hateful statement to make and feminists continue to show that they're absolutely no better than Trump and the Alt Right with this way of thinking and I wonder if they even realize this sort of shared mentality they have is what turns some people (especially males) away from the Left. I'm leftist but to see this kind of thinking associated with the mainstream Left is just embarrassing.