(Please remove this post if it’s irrelevant, I don’t know where else to vent).

I’m so tired of being a male advocate, especially as a leftist. It feels like my dirty secret. I don’t really feel solidarity within leftist spaces, because as soon as you call out misandry, criticise the feminist movement, or even just acknowledge male issues, so often you’re met with a torrent of abuse. You’re told you’re a misogynist, an idiot etc., and I just don’t fucking get any of it...

I don’t get why they talk about us like they do. They go on about how allegedly sexist MRAs are yet I see literally NONE of it. One time on an old account I posted on r/mensrights asking if I’m welcome there as a woman (before you get your hopes up, I’m trans, so I’ve lived as male) and the response was overwhelmingly positive. Over a hundred replies with a resounding yes, with about two heavily downvoted comments saying no. I also got a marriage proposal and reddit gold (in retrospect it was extremely disingenuous of me to not mention I was trans, they clearly thought I was a cis woman who’d ‘awoken to the truth’, but no, I’m just an ex-boy, sorry).

Does anyone actually understand how we got to such a fucked up point? Like, why the hell do people unironically believe we live in a patriarchy, men have no issues, men are responsible for women’s issues, misandry doesn’t exist, women are still extremely oppressed etc.?

These ideas are, to me, just so stupid. They don’t hold up to scrutiny at all, they should have been dismissed as reactionary nonsense the moment someone proposed them.

I don’t even get why people care about feminism nowadays. Compared to the severity of men’s issues, what feminists talk about often feels irrelevant. There’s been so much work done for women, but nothing for men, and it really shows.

It feels like we’re living in the matrix. It has to be stupidity, pure and simple. I had a really stupid encounter with a feminist today on a trans subreddit. A trans woman was being misandrist af and talking about ‘toxic masculinity’ and I said I don’t like to entertain the idea of men being morally inferior to women, and that if ‘toxic masculinity’ is a thing it’s because we raise men in cruel and abusive ways and that leads to anti-social tendencies. She apologised and said she just wanted to vent about the men in her life, but a feminist chimed in to give out to me for not letting ‘women vent’. Vent about what? How much you hate men?

And what makes it even stupider is that misandry hurts trans women MASSIVELY. You’ll never hear about people wanting trans men out of men’s rooms, but trans women in women’s rooms? Misandry is why people take such offence to it, because they see all men as potential violent rapists. This feminist is reinforcing sexist stereotypes which hurt HER. Regardless of our gender identity, our sex is male, and as a result we are often subjected to the same hate all people of male sex are. Need I remind you that it was only homosexual males, not females, killed during the holocaust, a category that included trans women?

When she found out I’m a male advocate, she dismissed and insulted me without responding.

And it fucking hurts. Like... what tf is their problem? Why would that offend someone so much? Is it because she’s been convinced by feminists that we’re ‘sexist incels’? She called me weird for being a trans woman MRA, which makes me think she probably does think MRAs are all male incels/misogynists.

This is the second extremely misandrist post I’ve seen in the past 48 hours, I literally saw another post by a woman outright declaring she HATES men because of her shitty dating experiences. It got fucking awards and everything. Actually fucking repulsive. If a man did this he’d be called a sexist incel.

Misandry is so normalised. I earnestly just don’t get how we got to this point. It feels very lonely. I wish we weren’t so hated.

Rant over.