Crosspost "I'm tired of being the target of revenge for things I didn't do." from /r/MensRights:

Sorry for making you guys listen to my rant, but I'm feeling rather angry right now.

I'm 18 years old. I haven't lived in a time where being male has brought any legal advantages for my existence, nor have I ever advocated for having those advantages. I haven't ever harassed, catcalled, or groped a woman, nor have I ever lived in a time when that would be acceptable amongst my male peers. I wasn't old enough to vote in the last election, so I have had literally no influence on any political actions relating to women's rights.

And it still ends up being my fault. I still need to be "held accountable" for sexual harassment, even though I've never done such a thing and would come down hard on anyone who did. I've "had my turn and need to let women have theirs" when it comes to education and employment, even though I haven't gone to college or had a job or any kind of "turn" at all. I still need to "acknowledge my privilege", even though my experiences in the public school system have shown me that boys are far from privileged when it comes to how they're treated. I still need to "recognize the damage that you and other men have done to women", even though I've never laid my hands on a woman, been nasty towards a woman, or helped further any agenda that would hurt women in any way.

Why can't I be treated like an individual and assessed on my actions alone? Why must I be held responsible for things that happened decades before I was born? Why must society now discriminate against me and other men for things that we have no control over? Why should I be hated for the simple fact of possessing a y-chromosome?

It's just so fucking frustrating sometimes.

Edit: Holy shit, I did not expect this kind of response! I posted this right before going to bed, thinking that maybe five people would see it at most. Thanks you so much for your kind words, it makes me feel better that there's other people who understand what I'm feeling!

Posted by scrubbucino | 20 January 2021 | Link