This is a comment originally written by /u/EmirikolWoker But I thought it would be good to post it here for discussion.

All Feminism, whether it's radical, intersectional, liberal, moderate, or whatever, is anti-egalitarian, unsubstantiated, and anti-male. All forms of Feminism hold the following premises as self-evident:

  • Society is Male Dominated

  • Male dominance privileges men over women

  • While some men can sometimes be harmed by this system, the system itself is set up to privilege men and subjugate women for mens express benefit.

  • Men are in power and the system operates to benefit and serve mens' needs, drives, and interests at the expense of womens' needs, drives, and interests.

This could be described as "class warfare between men and women, with men winning".

If these are true, then society is this way because men want it to be so. Since society is (supposedly) male dominated and serves to benefit mens' needs drives and interests, the subjugation of women must be in-keeping with mens' inclinations.

Therefore, it is in-keeping with mens inclinations to oppress, subjugate, beat, rape, and violate women, including their own mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, girlfriends, and every other women they claim to "love". If a man does not do these things to the women in his life, he is complicit and tacitly supporting the system that allows other men to do this to the women in his life.

Women, being the subjugated class, cannot be held accountable for this, in the same way one cannot hold slaves accountable for their own slavery, even if they perpetuate the system through their actions and personal beliefs.

Further, even the immense influence a mother has over her child - one that shapes and moulds the child's adult personality, values, and sense of belonging - has been unable to raise men that won't oppress them. Women are singularly incompetent in the face of male monstrosity. And men are foolish too, because they leave their offspring in the care of those who are seen as lessers.

Feminists can claim that it's "just about equality", but it's equality based on bigotted assumptions, presuming psychopathy on the part of men as a class.

This is why feminist approaches to dealing with men's issues often end up failing or making the problem worse.