I particularly see this claim about homophobia because it's actually hatred of femininity in men. For that even make sense you'd have to ignore not only violence or mistreatment towards gay men who aren't "feminine" but the fact that a lot of women are homophobic too especially in smaller religious towns. I've also seen it claimed that men not being able to show our emotions because society frowns on it is because female traits are seen as inferior. Nothing I've seen suggests they're seen as inferior rather it's the result of more rigid gender roles for men and boys. Gender roles have been loosening for girls for decades but for boys they've stayed (mostly) stagnant. The same goes for the claim feminine men or boys are only looked down on because of misogyny.

It just seems really self-centered to try and twist it to be about women when their "evidence" is just really lacking. I've yet to see them show how it's because of misogyny and it all seems to be on their say so. It seems like there should be more specific examples if true but the logic always seems to amount to "well, society hates women". Does anyone else notice that? Anyway, I just needed to vent about this because it really bugs me. I hope this is in the guidelines for the sub.