I'm sure everyone knows about the push to get men to express themselves more. It's a worthy goal but it's not going to work until we address the underlying social issues that cause men to not express themselves.

And that involves acknowledging that, as a society, we need to care about men more.

There is a profound empathy gap against men that literally starts at childbirth. It has even been shown to affect a mother's willingness to respond to her crying infant.

A crying baby girl gets more attention and sympathy than a crying baby boy does.

And this continues throughout their entire lives.

Women are encouraged to cry and express themselves because people care about them. If they express a problem, people fix it for them. If it's an emotional issue, people give them support.

Women are therefore encouraged to express themselves because of positive reinforcement.

The issue is that we don't care about our men and boys in the same way. And THAT is why they don't express themselves as much. We need to recognize that men have emotions and suffer just like women do. And we need to encourage people to care about men, including struggling men, just like we do women. That is how you solve this problem.

Tell people to start caring about men, and then men will naturally start expressing themselves more.