Finally, someone in a political field acknowledging that GBV happens to men as well. Much too often when the issue of GBV gets brought up it's almost always and only when it's male on female, and you virtually never hear of it being the other way around. It's so refreshing for once for this to be brought up and to want to advocate for male GBV victims as much as female ones. In my book GBV is equally horrible regardless of whether it's MOF or FOM, and much too often the latter is overlooked. Not to mention the fact men can be harmed by other men and women harmed by other women. Sadly there'll no doubt be misandrists wanting to downplay this with their usual "But male on female violence is at epidemic levels and systematic," which is just how they like to deflect from it altogether. Acknowledge and help both male and female victims equally, and condemn violent perpetraters of both genders equally. End of story.