Some backstory... I was raised without any male father figure in my life. As such, I had been brainwashed to be a white knight at a young age... it wasn’t until i was around 13 I realized what I was doing to myself over women was toxic. I transferred schools within the same district when I was in 7th grade due to false allegations following me and my grades dropping as a result of my thought process (“why does it matter anymore? I’m never going to get a job or go to college with this shit following me anyway.”) I confided in one of the football coaches who was a behavioral counselor of sorts for me.. I have Asperger’s and was in and out of a behavioral analysis program for that reason when I was younger.

The comment he made to me has stuck with me ever since that day.

“You remind me of an abused dog. Innocent, full of compassion to give, and taken advantage of. A dog in that situation will do one of 3 things; continue to take the beatings from its abusive owner, fight back and potentially seriously hurt its owner, or run away to find a new, and better, life on its own.”

It took about 5 high school girlfriends leaving after sucking me dry like a flea on a stray dog before before I finally took the hint.

It’s been 6 months exactly as of today since I finally cut ties with the last girl to take advantage of me. In that time, I’ve lost 20 pounds, gotten back into the guitar (just recently learned the solo to Fade to Black!) and am living a much happier life without the stress that craving sex and relationships from women and the toxicity they treat you with will cause.

Coach D, I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you earlier. But thank you for helping me forge my own identity and becoming much more successful in life after I implemented my new found self reliance.