In some multiplayer games I play, i'll see a post at the top about how people talk rude because "shes a female gamer".
I gotta say that usually, it seems to be the woman who initiates it either by being disrespectful, being rude, etc. Hell, I've had a couple dumb bitches try to pop off at me, but i aint got the energy to roast a bitch through a headset.
I just find it funny seeing them LIE on these gaming subreddits, being all like "oh, im so innocent! I was just playing my game quietly and then guys started being mean to me for no reason"
bitch please. A lot of these dumb ass bitches dont even shut up in chat, and most of the time, they are just nagging and BLAMING OTHER PLAYERS ON THEIR TEAM INSTEAD OF TAKING ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THEIR BAD PLAYING ... IN TYPICAL WOMAN FASHION.
[–]anongogogo 19 points20 points21 points (3 children) | Copy Link
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