The United States have two great evils: radical feminism and stigmatized and illegal prostitution. While other countries face either one or another but not both.

-American women sleep around with at least 100+ guys through out their 20’s, Japanese women do not. Therefore, their women are already cucking them while Japanese women don’t have this lifestyle . -American men have only porn, Japanese men have all sorts of sexual services they can access from legal prostitution, to pink salons to massage parlors, that are for the most part popular, safe and regulated.

-A lot of American women are now becoming sugar babies for older rich men. They are praised for this and called empowered. This for most America guys is either inaccesible due to lack of money or they are shamed if they partake in it. -The only solution in America for getting laid is to become a pick up artist a weirdo who mass approaches and rarely gets laid, Japanese men have all sorts of different options . -America men are expected to raise the children together while other men around world do not, including Japanese.

-Once a man gets married in Japan it’s more of contract a man can still have affairs, bang escorts, do as much as he wants as long as it is not blandly. American men if they did this would get an immediate divorce. -American men are given to choices alimony or prison. Most men around the world don’t face this.

-American men are expected to fullfill all the emotional needs of their women, “keep up the spark” or she’ll move on. Japanese and men around the world do not have to do any of these, marriage is more contractual . -If an American man gains status and wants to marry younger(20 year old) he is shamed and deemed a creep. That’s why you see even successful guys in their 40’s with women in their late 30’s. In order countries(Colombia) a successful man(regardless of his age) would not touch a single woman past the age of 23.

-If an American guy goes abroad he is deemed a ‘sex tourist’ creep while if a ameirca woman if she goes abroad she is seen as “having her fun” “rekindling her youth.” - Around the world men are seen as more valuable than women(don’t believe the lies that tell you otherwise) while women are seen as merely children bearing objects to take care of either by father, brothers or sons.

-Around the world women have to live up to certain expectations(don’t sleep around, dress nicely, have manners, be worldly, be educate. In America the sole fact of being a women is a value in itself. America is the only country with the whole, “daddy’s little princess.” I’ve never heard this expression anywhere in the world. - American men are constantly harassed by the HR department over ‘microaggression” like expresión any non pc preference while men around the world don’t face this. -America men are one of the few who get no respect from younger women, the opposite is the case in other countries. The older a man gets the better he is treated. -America is the only country in world history where the women are sexually liberated but the men are not. It’s usually either no one is or only the men are.

If I was an American man, the first I would do is buy my one way plane ticket out, renounce my citizenship and never look back. The sole fact of being white+speaking English gives you access to a luxury lifestyle in 80% of the countries around the world.