I'm new to MGTOW. I'm in my mid twenties and have never dated. I went straight from college to medical school and during college was very focused on getting into medical school so I avoided women/the party scene. A few months back I stumbled onto Return of Kings which through a series of events led me here. I have found that much of what is here is great but also that I had come to similar conclusions just by living my life up to this point (though this site helped solidify my beliefs). One story that sealed the deal for AWALT happened last week:
I'm on my pediatrics rotation with 3 classmates (all women - this was randomly assigned or I wouldn't have chosen it). We were in a conference room waiting for a lecturer to show up when one of my classmates who I didn't know well (blonde and a generous 6/10) goes into a story about her college boyfriend. "I planned on breaking up with him before starting med school, but then he told me that he paid for us to go down to Mexico for a week. When we flew down there, I checked us in since I speak Spanish. The people at the desk referred to us as 'la pareja' thinking that we had just gotten engaged" (for context, 'la pareja' means 'the couple' in Spanish). She then went on to describe their week and when she was done she casually mentioned that "I stayed with him for another couple months and then med school got hard so I broke up with him." I then asked her (as she went to medical school right out of college as well) if her boyfriend was older and had a stable job so he could pay for the trip. She said (with no guilt at all) "no. He just was good at saving his money and spending it on me." Here's a guy willing to spend money he likely doesn't have in order to try and give his girlfriend a nice time and she already had plans to break up with him. A year ago, I would have been dumbfounded, but this makes sense now because AWALT. To make things even worse, this girl in question has been through like two other guys since then (maybe more on the side) and is currently dating some guy not in med school. But then a visiting student on an Air Force scholarship shows up (this guy is the very definition of Chad) and she immediately starts flirting with him (as does one of the other girls I'm with). I've read more extreme stories on this subreddit than this so I know it's not the greatest out there but it shows even in med school (where you would expect the women to be smart and classy) AWALT. I lot of the guys I'm around are betas who just don't get this stuff so I guess this is my way of introducing myself and saying thank you for being here and showing me I'm not alone.
[–]Sol_Install56 points57 points58 points (4 children) | Copy Link
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[–]Flintblood18 points19 points20 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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[–]8017352 points3 points4 points (5 children) | Copy Link
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[–]Mapispema-ta3 points4 points5 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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[–]thedocterisin[S] 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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[–][deleted] 3 points4 points5 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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[–]thedocterisin[S] 3 points4 points5 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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