PORN is FREE ADVERTISING FOR WOMEN to get you hooked on a drug you never even had yet.

It's like "coming next season, attractive pussy that cares for you. Its out there now, somewhere , just jerk your dick to this idea, now go out there and find it and give away everything just to get it."

Think about it.

Crack addicts Actually get the crack, they don't look at crack and jerk off fantasizing that they had some crack!

They just go get some crack. In that way masturbators are worse than actual crack heads.

And then you get yourself "So worked up" about getting some crack that you are willing to do anything to "get some real crack this time"

And then you roll over and eat shit for the stupidest of things to get some real pussy.

Because men are the emotional ones and men want emotions and feeling during sex.

And women don't have any to give.

You don't watch porn! GOOD! STAY THAT WAY! That is WHY you don't get enjoyment from women.

Without porn to hype pussy up, all you are left with is music, and TV.

And the REAL LIFE terrible women who don't meet the fucking hype!

If you don't listen to music or watch tv/media = then you are free from 80% of the pussy programming.

You beat the game.

Pussy, without it's "Hype man" of porn, is usually then just reduced to a "person to person" emotional experience.

And I don't know about you, but my body gets the feeling that whatever modern woman I am fucking is not a real person, and has no real emotions to give or share with me.

Even more so with escorts.

90% of the time when I was with escorts, I treated them mentally like girlfriends and had fun.

Meaning , I usually got with girls that I could probably get in real life on my own efforts if I was 10 years younger or down a few pounds.

I stayed in my lane-ish. So I saw it as flash dating. Getting to be with a bunch of "my type" of girls with no fuss and no muss. A quick mental relationship in my mind, no nasty breakup, and "just the sex, please."

The escorts I picked that are more like what I could pull in real life were all fun, I had fun and fun times were had.

but the ones where I jumped out of my league felt way more mechanical.

When I stopped having fun, they stopped having fun (or pretending they were having it).

Without the hype, and your own sustaining of your pre-addiciton to pussy by viewing porn,

Pussy is garbage.

So when they show up with no emotion or you have no connection with them even though you can still get with them, you are wasting your time.

Even when you pay for it, we men are emotional creatures that need to get something else out of sex,

My guess is it's validation.

My validation came in the form of beating that pussy down so vigorously that they were gasping and shocked at me bringing the heat, and after we're done, she's exhausted and just wanted to talk and cuddle.

I was straight up after the cuddles FROM THE VERY START. Cuddles with a quiet, pretty woman, laying there, just enjoying petting and admiring the curves of their body. So I crushed her pussy so that I got my cuddles while she was recovering and talking, and hopefully didn't notice.

But that's all I really want out of sex. some intimacy. some fun, some partying, a flash second of admiration, and some cuddling, stealth petting, and curve admiration and I'm out.

90% of the time I got just that. Because I treated them all like micro-relationships in my imagination.

Because just like in a real relationship - being with a woman is 90% your imagination (you are being excited over some normal everyday shit, and any love and loyalty you experience is only happening temporarily or in only your mind). It's all your acts, action, and direction brought to life (you have to do all the work, and the creativity and passion level is pretty much up to you).

You mostly just do things TO her, and she just lets you. So you've got to want something from the start. OR you have to want to unleash something form the start.

And where does a lot of that desire come from come from? Hornyness or pussy lust caused by porn.

Because "real" women ain't shit in real life compared to the "Commercial" of how awesome they are.

If you already beat the game, stop playing it.

Those who screech in denial and bang their dicks furiously in disagreement, bring the hate!