Now they're slowly losing all of the natural preferential treatment, benefits, and privileges that men used to willingly give to them, because men no longer trust or pedestalize them, and instead are being forced to either fend entirely for themselves, as the weaker and less capable gender, or else try to shame, steal, legislate, or otherwise coerce those benefits out of men.

They used to get a free ride, protection, access to the entire world of male ingenuity and enterprise, and genuine love and affection, and all they had to do was not actively be ungrateful and disloyal in return.

But no... they had to be power hungry, ungrateful, disloyal, and utterly unrestrained.. So now what they get is a lifetime of toil and struggle, just like men, and to be seen as nothing more than a cum dumpster by their endless string of ONS's, until one day they are no longer even good for that.

Honestly, we think it's rough being a dude in this world they've created.. but just imagine the life that awaits the majority of females here too. Yeesh...