Hey Fellas , Hope you are all well. This is a throwaway account but I have been part of this board for a while. I'm kind of out of sorts , haven't slept in a while and shit has been crazy so if I don't make sense please let me know and I'll clarify. I just have to write about this.
Until now MGTOW has mostly appealed to me on an abstract or philosophical level and I thought that by being educated I could avoid the actual , real world consequences which gynocentrism has wrought on this world.
No longer. I won't get into the whole story for many , obvious reasons, but suffice it to say that my friend is not a rapist. I was there when this incident went down and if anything , he was ready to pass out (we were all drinking. I mean , I know that only men are responsible for their actions when drunk but this`girl drank to excess every single night) until she started sucking on one of his fingers. She took him by the hand , they went to the bedroom and had sex.
After the incident she came by at least two dozen times and the same sequence of events occurred over and over. They weren't exactly dating but they were hooking up all the time , even after "the rape" but I guess she was too scared by rape culture to not send him trashy texts at 10 pm , try to hook up with me (just because I'm his friend and he wasn't paying attention to her) or continue to get sloppy drunk at our place every other night (she must have somehow felt safe to do so? I know I didn't want the bitch around, no one really did but - jesus christ the irony -- we didn't want to be "rude")
Fast forward one year and I wake up to a loud knocking. Police with an arrest warrant for my friend. Locked him up , set a ridiculously high bail and now he is back but completely destroyed. I have gotten into no less than three fights (wasn't the aggressor in any of them) because the whole campus is in a rabid frenzy to lynch the rapist. He can't safely leave the apartment (it got better once the semester ended up but we're not at a commuter college so plenty of people are still here) so I do most of the shopping and other stuff he needs done.
Everyone who was there (ranged from 6 - 20 people on any given night) knows the truth of the matter but it doesn't matter. She claims that she withdrew consent but he continued to force himself on her but if that is the case , why did she come back to our place every other night to drink with , flirt with and fuck her rapist? Almost none of this will be admissible in court btw because her sexual history (even after the event) will most likely be considered irrelevant (I don't know any of this for a fact just things I heard and his PD is not helpful at all). I am basically giving him my life savings so he can afford a half- decent lawyer but even if he wins (and I doubt that , doing nothing wrong doesn't mean that you won't be charged but he deserves a chance) he will most likely have some permanent record - perhaps he will plea to lesser charges - and will almost definitely be expelled from school.
His life is ruined. I knew this guy since I was 2 years old , we are basically brothers and aside from that is one of the nicest , most generous humans I have ever met. Other friends of ours have rallied to us because they know he is not even close to capable of such a thing, which has been of some comfort. I don't know what my point is . You've all heard it before. I guess we shouldn't have partied or invited girls over but we're in college , it's not like we had the amount of experience that most on this sub do and were very interested in getting laid , partying and all the dumb shit people my age do.
Not worth it. Not by a mile. I am not even angry just so god damn sad that I live in a society where such an obvious travesty of justice can even get this far. If he was a rapist I would not defend him , friend or not , I just wouldn't. Thankfully he saved the texts he got from her , including sexts and very clear indications that she wanted to have sex multiple times but I am told that we may not even be able to present this evidence. This shit is destroying both of us ,I can't really just go on with my life while my friend is in a downward spiral which now includes heavy drug use and suicidal thoughts.
Anyway , just wanted to share this story. I'll update as things progress. Prior to this he was a very promising engineering student. Now , I won't be completely shocked if he dies from an OD or kills himself at this point. I'll be heartbroken but not surprised and in a way , I am preparing for those possibilities.
Also we are not very well off. Both of us came here on a scholarship and cannot afford legal advice. I may post on r/legal but I'm not sure that will be productive so if anyone has advice or questions both will be very welcome. I tried to use the on campus "resources" but they could not give less of a shit. No one does. If a women experiences slight anxiety the admin will bend over backwards to give her all the help she needs but no one cares about the problems of men. Just suck it up and man up while your life gets completely destroyed over some nonsense.
I'd say "don't let this happen to you" but most of you probably already know better. Thanks for reading. I don't know what to do anymore , I think if he can beat the legal charges his life will fall back into order and if I have fight white knights until the end of time (tried so hard to explain the situation to people and they seem to understand until women came around calling me a rape apologist and refused to listen to anything I had to say. We are already guilty to them , him for raping and me for sticking up for him, it's like men no longer --never did? -- have the ability to think for themselves or not be slaves to the desires of women. Btw , I've been spit on , pushed , punched etc by women and yeah , no one cares) , so be it. Just want him out of danger , we have both been locked up at some point and know that going to prison on a "skin beef" is no laughing matter. Everyone is innocent so at that point you are just another liar. Fuck
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