i need help in figuring out if i should leave my girlfriend.
for a long time shes just not even made effort. shes gained weight and yet comments on how she thinks im unattractive. i asked her what she thought i was on a 1 - 10 and she said 5 maybe a 6.
thing is shes put on weight. she doesnt bother to use make up around me anymore. she doesnt even try. now when i make the effort to stay over at hers and take her for meals. she doesnt want to have sex with me.
she makes me feel hideous but other women are flirting with me. she never flirts with me even if i try. so im confused why shes like she is. she swears she into me still but being with her is depressing its like being with a friend not a lover.
the issue is if i break up with her i owe her money. she insisted on lending me money when i couldnt go to the dinners and meals she wanted to go on. or when her friends suggested we did stuff. now i owe her 2000 and i dont see me paying it off in one go.
ive now resorted to lying to her that im gonna get paid and pay her it off because shes putting pressure on me to pay it. she wont take small payments and expects me to pay it off full but i cannot do this. and i have been a bitch by not telling her i cannot do this. i try to keep up appearances but end up lying.
i feel like if i break up with her that im the bad one because i owe her money.
am i the bad one here? is she manipulating me? some advice would be appreciated. im sorry if i sound beta i know i probably do but shes really knocked my confidence.
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[–]gods_bones14 points15 points16 points (2 children) | Copy Link
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