A recent post was made where the content was about women wanting to just randomly punch judgmental men.

Seems looney but no one has ever accused women of being stable.

Here's the deal, she's whining about being judged, most likely for being a whore and selling her pussy for money.

You shouldn't care about that at all as a MGTOW.

The judgmental shit is 100% trad cons. They're the ones who think there was this magical time when women were these wonderful angelic beings a la the women are wonderful effect that never happened.

Trad Cons get upset when there's a change to the social order, I would say women have always been this way, like a dog tugging on a leash. Take the leash off and the dog runs off after squirrel or whatever. The dog didn't change, its constraints changed. The Trad Cons just put social constraints on shit. It never changed any nature of the women in question.

Women fuck around because they can. They don't want to be limited. The problem is when you view that as a problem.

If you have a problem with constratints on women being removed, and that's fine if you do, that's not MGTOW, that's Trad Cuckery. You still worship women and are just mad at feminism, which is ironically how MGTOW started, as a libertarian movement for small government and masculine men and feminine women, and all that weak sauce shit. MGTOW has evolved past trad cuckery.

You want some fantasy. It never existed, and you've just been bullshitted by old senile people into thinking it was ever a thing. Old black and white TV shows were entertainment to sell you shit. They have reality about as much as The Walking Dead has reality.

If you've been MGTOW awhile, you realize that you aren't going back to fantasy land. Disney's "Magic Kingdom" ends at the gate to the park.

It shouldn't matter what women do, because it's not a you problem.

Make fun of them? Sure. Criticize and mock them? Absolutely. But actually giving a real shit? Just embrace being a trad con because that's all you're communicating. And that's fine if you are, I have no issue with that, but stop pretending you aren't. You just want to have your angels back and find that NAWALT. They never existed, just some magic book made you think they did.

Don't give a fuck, and give no thots thoughts unless it's for humor and making fun of them when they fuck up, and gloriously they regularly do.