Narcissism begets illusions of self deification and liberalism which in their turn beget inevitable dissapointment which begets nihilism/demonic apathy. Which of course begets all vices of the soul like lust, greed, hatred, rage, ambition for glory, individualism etc. Which in their turn beget idolatry. Either that is worship of money (capitalism), of goods (cosnumerism), of human intellect (scientism- when it becomes a religion), humanism (well if you make it sound "collective" its still a bunch of I's in the end), of women (gynocentrism), of nature and hippie energies (naturalism and new age). but all these in their most subtle and inner level are just self-worship/glorification in disguise aka narcissism. The libertine spirit lies in all of them. When you forget your operating manual, and distort than natural inclination of worship towards false idols, you are doomed to re-experience history.

What we view going on around us. Simps, thots, degenerate relationships, consumerist mania etc are mere symptoms. MGTOWs have small goggles. they see a couple of trees as the whole forest. when the whole forest is just human narcissism.

To the degree we have it in our hearts, WE TOO ARE FEMINISTS. but that is too much of a red pill for most to take. most aren't ready for it. It's easier to just blame others and not look in the ugliness inside.

That's also though the reason because we slowly make the difference. MGTOWs as they mature, they are not afraid to look inside for the enemy that lurks within. thats why we are incompareable with feminism which by design seeks the enemy outwards.