Its 11 pm north of Montreal gas price is good so i decide to hit the station, there is a Tim Horton in the same building as the gas station, note i am 46 apparently don't look it, buzz cut tanned summer time and been training hard and dieting to lose that flab so i look quit good haha for my age LOL.

So i finish gassing my car and go to pay, 4 young women come out of the Tim Horton, i can't believe this, i would say around 22y old, all with extra large frozen cappuccino, sporting the pear shape, no boobs huge fat ass, etc, the fattest one start whistling at me, hey cut boy what's up.... i was like WTF... i started laughing at how hard she was trying.... and thinking WTF does this fatty has to offer me,.,,, since being MGTOW i am the prize,,,,, what could this girl so fat still sipping her 800 calories frozen crap want with a guy that keeps fit even at is age...

I honestly wish i could laugh even more but this is alarming, all 4 where very young at 22 i was fit as a fiddle, WTF being obese like that and not doing nothing for it...

The future is bright for knee replacement hip surgery, cholesterol pills diabetes, high blood pressure.... but hey they rater take the pills and keep eating there junk those lazy fat fucks.....

MGTOW is totally freedom from those fatties.