I was reading a subreddit where they were talking about the male emotional fragility type nonsense and the conversation turned to how women wish men were more emotional, more open, etc. And how men are hurt by this. All these bottled up emotions.

Now we all know that doesn't work, but endless feminist whining is that men are emotional enough, and men are "taught" to repress their emotions, and all the standard nonsense we've seen a thousand times.

So I had an opportunity to ask, what the fuck does that mean?

I've never heard a single answer to what do feminists mean when they harp on this over and over again?

Do they want soy boys?

Limp wrist boys.

Men who are trannies?

Men LARPing as women?

Boys not afraid to sit on their ass and cry all day long as a toddler?

So I asked for some examples of what that actually means.

I never get answers, but I finally did.

She said she was opposed to men being stoic and not emotionally open.

I asked for an example. An example where a man is "emotionally open" yet won't make her think he's unattractive and still sexually appealing. Get this example I was given. Look at this solipsism.

q: "so what does emotionally open mean?"

a: "If I do something he doesn't like, he should tell me "I really didn't like that or appreciate that, it hurt me in this way' rather than yelling at me or threatening me."

So look at the beauty of this.

  • it is entirely about her, not him. The emotional issues of men are entirely about her personal issues

  • These women all preach how stoicism is "bad", yet absolutely and without reservation want a stoic man who isn't reactive with emotions but handles them in a way women don't, like an adult.

  • She clearly is emotionally out of control and retarded, and has a history of pissing off people so much they yell at her and she refuses to learn or change.

  • She is describing effective parenting and how you handle a child. Her.

So that's what I learned is what feminists mean by "men need to cry all day and express their emotions" even though that's the exact opposite of what they actually want. And I don't mean drying their panties, but they just want to be treated like a child so they never, ever, have to be a responsible adult.

Stoicism is "bad", which is what they clearly want, because they do not possess the ability to be adults or not be an emotional cripple.

They don't want it in men because they don't have it themselves and makes them feel bad. Much the same way they project "men need empathy" because they themselves, women, do not possess empathy.

But feminism isn't about that.