I go by Atlas
I'm a male in my 20s and I can truly say that MGTOW information as helped my life because it has warned me about society as a whole.
MGTOWs are right about arguing with women
MGTOWs are right that women ignore men's issue
MGTOWs are right WOMEN say things like you're not "minding your own business" when you speak on issues on your own forums and such.
MGTOW men are RIGHT that women straight up refuse to admit how things like child support, alimony, false rape, etc affect men. My own family doesn't see how wrong child support is and doesn't see how it only benefits women (along with things such as abortion).
MGTOWs are right about family empathy.
MGTOWs are right about female hypergamgy and the shaming tactics.
MGTOW are right that women will blame men for female nature and shame men for being alone and not pursing women.
MGTOW men are right that women are like "but we get raped" but ignore laws that discriminate against men.
MGTOW men are right about the cucks.
MGTOW men are right about single moms. Like dear god, i'm told its wrong i don't want a fucking single because i have no damn kids and its wrong to say i won't cuck.
MGTOW men are right about male ego.
MGTOW men are right that even having MGTOW tendencies makes you naturally more anti social.
There's so many people I could thank, DDJ, TFM, Sandman, Darius , etc.
I've always had issues with depression and such, but more and more i'm okay with just being alone.
I personally just want to experience one more female, after that. I'm done and will convert to more MGTOW ideologies that blend with my own.
[–][deleted] 5 points6 points7 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]MegaDeathX121 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]79johnsmith0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link