Last month i got my blood pressure taken and it was a bit high, i know that stress in life affect this, my grand mother is 96 and i feel her going, she is declining each week, my mother is very stress about it too, they both live together, i had to put one of my 13y old cat to sleep she had mouth cancer, and so on.

I decided that it was time to shed, i always been training with weights but after my stint doing stronglift this winter i gain a bit too much mass, and yeah fat because i ate big... even at 47.

I started to follow Funk Roberts on youtube all is stuff is free, i bough is fasting for 40 plus y old men, 9$ don't bother its the same 16/8 protocol everyone does. But is workouts are amazing HIIT weight training cardio.

So i started to shed some weight fit into my jeans i lost around 1 inch so far, and i am getting compliments....

But the compliments i get i find very stupid, hey you got back in shape to meet someone, good now you will be more attractive to women, finally you will meet that special someone.

Not once did someone mention good its gonna be great to lower your high blood pressure, losing the gut is great to prevent metabolic syndrome, diabetes. Feeling lighter, saving your knees and lower back in the process...

I guess that people only see the aesthetic side, and not the health values of weight loss.