Some people still feel that passing on your DNA is somehow important in the grand scheme of things

Let me put it to you this way, what if you knew that your DNA leads back to GK, would you still view your DNA as something special and unique knowing that you're related to thousands of people and are probably the offspring of a couple of distant cousins

You see your unique DNA is not really unique and can be traced if you go back far enough to a pretty small group

And do you think GK gives a shit about it lying in his grave. Even if he's in heaven looking down on his kids, I'm sure he probably gave up after a while watching the boring lives they all had

Wanting children is monkey brain shit, it's not intelligent at all. The only one it practically helps is the governemnt and women

For women it's fine to scratch that biological itch, because they will get all your shit. And the elite have a new pool of fodder to choose from

Rise above. GK will be remembered for his conquering, not I Ching Ming the 25th in accounting