~ archived since 2018 ~
[–][deleted] 26 points27 points28 points 7 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
Lmao this place is fucking awesome..
Edit: the fucking middle picture...HAHAHAHA....HA
[–]wildfireboat20 points21 points22 points 7 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
Luigi's high jump was so impractical but he knew what he was doing. He didn't want you to pick him to take on Bowser and rescue the Princess. He wanted to chill out on the weekends and read a book. Can't blame him.
[–]verynormalsimple7 points8 points9 points 7 years ago* (2 children) | Copy Link
Didn't Luigi had that brunette princess peach ripoff ?
EDIT: It seems not. According to cannon Princess Daisy (the princess of Sarasaland) was also rescued by Mario (Italian for Alpha Chad) in the Mario Land series where Luigi wasn't even a playable character.
[–]themanfromsaturn2 points3 points4 points 7 years ago (1 child) | Copy Link
I still don't know where this 'Peach' crap came from.
Back in my day, she was Princess Toadstool.
Did I get hit by the Mandela effect?
[–]verynormalsimple0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
Princess Peach is the original Japanese name and Princess Toadstool was the main name used in the west. Later it was conveyed that she is Princess Peach Toadstool. Which is the weirdest thing because in Japanese one usually refers to others by the last name, yet they called her Peach which is supposed to be the first name, whereas the opposite in the west is also unusual since we call people by their first names yet Toadstool is supposed to be her last name. She is also Princess of the Toadstools which confirms it's more likely her last name. She's also called Peach for short in the current games and she signs that.
[–]goadsaid4 points5 points6 points 7 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
I bet if I jumped up and punched the mgtow box the unlimited flying wing hat would pop out and luigi would just ghow and leave Mario and princess to boil with Bowser.
She probably ended up in that position by bouncing on Bowsers big spikes behind Marios back anyway.
[–]the_unseen_one0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
I thought Luigi gave Daisy the dick on the regular though.
Maybe he was smart enough not to knock her up or marry her though.
[–]SnapshillBot-2 points-1 points0 points 7 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
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[–][deleted] 26 points27 points28 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]wildfireboat20 points21 points22 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]verynormalsimple7 points8 points9 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]themanfromsaturn2 points3 points4 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]verynormalsimple0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]goadsaid4 points5 points6 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]the_unseen_one0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]SnapshillBot-2 points-1 points0 points (0 children) | Copy Link