I saw this over on TRP, and felt it should be on MGTOW instead.

"Have you ever heard of a civilization where the concept of marriage didn't exist? If you think about it, marriage is at the very root of a civilization. The word civilization is derived from the root "civitas", which means city and denotes a high state of social development and organization. Advance organization was only possible and due to the construction of the first cities. Before the agricultural revelation circa 10k BC, humans were indistinguishable from animals. They lived in herds, in a state of nature, guided solely by their animistic instincts. There was no institution of marriage for hunter gatherer societies, because there was no need. Marriage is a cultural technology that was introduced to bring reproductive discipline in the face of a harsh Malthusian reality: that the growth of a population confining itself to a restricted area should be kept in check. Before marriage, the cost of rearing a child was effectively socialized. The fathers of the children couldn't be determined, and the entire tribe was responsible of taking care of the women and kids. After building the first cities and the invention of marriage, the cost of child bearing was privatized. This meant that if the married couple did not have the means to take care of their offspring they weren't going to reproduce like rats. This also meant that if a man wanted to leave a genetic legacy after him, he had to channel his energy towards production, benefiting the entire society. Thus patriarchy was born. Patriarchy is therefore simply civilization. Without patriarchy, there is no production, no security, no organization, no fucking society as we know it. Without patriarchy, there is no civilization, period. Ever notice how nearly every invention, monumental structure, grand idea, social innovation is the product of men? There's a reason for this. It's because patriarchy is a way of channeling a man's sexual lust into productive endeavors. It promises guaranteed pussy in exchange for his labor. It also harnesses the power of less desirable males by integrating them into the sexual market. When you think about it, the fact that a majority of our men our able to mate is very unnatural. In sexually dimorphic species, usually only the alpha males get to fuck. But not under a patriarchy. Under patriarchy, even the betas, hell, even the omega men, get to marry. So instead of idling, jerking off, playing Xbox, they are channeling their energy towards production. Note that chastity, sanctity of marital vows and so on are just natural implications of marriage technology. They ensure that the male has guarantees over his genetic reproductive success in return for his labor. That is how you harness a male's labor. Without this, he won't commit, wont give up his labor so easily. Thus when you introduce degeneracy into society, males slowly start to opt out. And that's exactly what we're starting to see today, We are at an advanced stage of civilization decay. Yes, sexual liberation is that bad."
