I'm heading into my last year of medical school. I found MGTOW during my second year of medical school (so before clinical rotations) and it has led me to a journey of self-discovery and self-realization that I never thought I would find in my lifetime. However, there have been some downsides as well. I came into medical school wanting to work hard and make a difference in the world but after swallowing the red pill I just could never see things the same way. I hated most clinical rotations (peds and OB/GYN --> single moms, which I despise with a passion). I realized I would be better in a nonclinical setting, so I'm hoping to go into anesthesia (good lifestyle, good money, little social work). Mostly I just don't care anymore and just want to maximize the rest of my life. I apologize if my comments offend anyone. I get that medicine is supposed to be a calling and like I said I came into medical school with that attitude but just don't feel that way anymore

Are there any other doctors on here who have suggestions? Just looking for help as I move forward, and it seems like most people in medicine are blue-pilled cucks who I can't talk with about this.