MGTOW is acceptance.

Acceptance of who we are and the world around us. The fundamental flaw with society is that they fail to accept the truth, the fail to accept people as they are. That is foolish! MGTOW comes with acceptance, acceptance of ourselves, acceptance of the world around us and female nature.

Always remember, we can never change anyone's nature just like a leopard can't change it's spots. Everybody wants to change the world. But real change begins with yourself. We don't hate women. We understand and accept their nature and realize in which areas it could be beneficial to us and in which areas it could be potentially harmful.

The reason for not cohabitation is also simple. You don't hate a tiger for being a tiger. You just don't live with a tiger unless you want to get eaten by them. It is foolish to live with a tiger, but that doesn't mean you have to hate a tiger. You can simply accept the tiger for what it is. A carnivorous animal. It is not your friend, not your enemy. It is simply a creature that exists in nature and if you fail to accept it's existence you are the one who is living in a deluded fantasy and you will be at loss. People failing to accept nature, can never realize the true essence of MGTOW.

The Only Constant in Life is Change, it is Inevitable.

Non-acceptance to change can become a malady very quickly.

As seasons change, we are guided to learn acceptance and non-resistance. A green leaf doesn’t resist turning red when autumn approaches. Trees don’t resist leaves falling when winter arrives. They stand deeply rooted in the ground, with their vulnerability out in the open and branches spread wide, surrendering to the Universe. Do what you will with me, I trust it is for my highest good.

Always remember, strength lies in acceptance and vulnerability.