I'll keep it short.

I discovered MGTOW mid 2019, and have been frequently viewing this subreddit ever since.

Some takeaways-

All Women Are Like That.

She Is Not Yours It Is Just Your Turn.

The Winning Move Is Not To Play.

She Doesn't Like You, She Likes Your Money.

You Are The Prize, Not Her.

These five takeaways alone have COMPLETELY changed the way I view women. They jump from one boyfriend to the next, and hoe around on social media for validation. I see simps all the time, in high-school friends, co-worker's, university friends etc. They enable these thots with their endless attention. I can't help but think, they are taking one for the team. We benefit.

Women asked for sexual liberation, and we adapted to 'pump and dump' and acquire 'Friends With Benefits'. True equality is the mantra of MGTOW, women asked for feminism, we delivered. Such a sweet truth.

I have taken a hit from 2020, as have many men. But what 2020 exposed is the nature of women to more people, with OnlyFans, TikTok Nurses and more.

Some Rules-

Never Cohabitate

3 Dates, You're out *

NEVER Marry **

Popularised (*) by Tom Leykis, "if they don't put out after three dates, move on to the next"

If (**) you absolutely must marry, go to a country with culture and legislation which doesn't fuck over men as much as the west

All of these learnings, they can take you places. Learning to "please your women" will take you to a dead bedroom, asking your wife's permission to increase your weekly allowance. MARCH ONWARDS, MEN!