I'm a little bit older now. And how many times I haven't seen, and read about, how always the older generations look down upon younger generations often. It's human nature, and has been done since god know how long. Like nowadays, how Millenial & Gen-Z women are subposedly much worse then the women of the past. But is that actually true?

Women have always been difficult to deal with for men, no matter what generation. It's not a generation thing. And there were no "good old days" when women were all pleasant to deal and life with.

That's my opinion & observation.
So screw the posts about the "good old days", when women still did all the household chores for which the man in return had to work shitload of hours (and weekends) so he could "pay her back" with: housing, food, nice/decent lifestyle, money to spend on fun, etc....