I found TRP in 2014, two years after getting divorced. Before finding it, I had been in a cloud of confusion. What had I done wrong? Why did she divorce me? Suddenly my whole marriage made sense to me. TRP explained everything that had happened, and I was no longer in the mass of post-divorce confusion asking, "What could I have done differently?".

I used this knowledge and understanding to land myself a new girlfriend. Lucky me. (/s) This was important to me. I still needed female validation. I moved across the country just after we started dating, and she moved with me, after a year. But since then, I've come to realize that I really don't need that validation. She's really just a constant interruption in plans and goals that I might have.

So this time, using the red pill knowledge, I ended the relationship. I didn't want to be ostracized as a horrible person, so I made the timing happen during the summer when her kids weren't in school. Oh, yes, she's a single mom. I made the relationship end, but I didn't strike the final blow. I left that to her. Over the past few years, she has steadily gotten in debt to me, financially. Last week, she got some inheritance, and I asked that she pay me back what she owed me. I know she's absolutely horrible with money. She wants to save it, but she's going to blow it all, and in 6 months to a year, it will be gone.

I knew what would happen next: "You don't love me! You've never loved me. This demand that I pay you my inheritance tells me what you really think of me!" The tears flowed. I woke up this morning, and she was gone. I called her, and texted her. I got no answer, so I turned off her phone for good. That was one of the bills she owed me for.

Tomorrow I'll probably gather the evidence that I have of what she owed me and go to court. I'll file for the full amount, and serve her with papers at her work. I don't actually expect to see a dime of the money, even after I get the judgement against her.

But brothers, this is an unmitigated win for me. I'm free. All the ideas, thoughts, plans, goals that I have. They're all mine, and the road before me is waiting.

I have some grief to process through, sure, but my feeling is one of hope in a better future. Finally free to truly be a Man Going My Own Way.