Not just in USGay, there is homelessness disparityin gender. Also in the Netherlands.
It doubled in the last 10 years. And trippled for youngsters (between 18 -30).

" Also other problems, such as divorce, can lead to homelessness".

Because women get the house most often. And the man, can just go rot on the streets. Zero fucks given.
This (homelesness epedemic among men) is an example of gynocentrism in action, imo.

Stay strong, and MGTOW bro's. Don't end up homeless or put yourself in a bad position where that may happen.

What I think also is a cause for the rise here. Is that minors with absent [arnets, get atken care of by the state untill they turn 18. And then they have to take more or less, care of themselfes. And girls at that age, have more chance to find housing (either through finding a partner, or getting more help for daddy government) then a boy.

englis googe translation:

he number of homeless people in the Netherlands has risen sharply in recent years, according to figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).

In 2009, 17,800 people between the ages of 18 and 65 had no fixed place of residence or residence, in 2018 there were 39,300.

The number of young homeless people between the ages of eighteen and thirty has even tripled to 12,600. According to the CBS people become homeless for various reasons. "In many cases these are people who have long-term problems or are in a vulnerable socio-economic position," says a spokesperson. These people usually end up from one problem to the other. "They are often poorly educated, earn little money or have lost their jobs." Other problems, such as divorces, can also lead to a life as a homeless person. "The people involved often sleep in the open air and in covered public spaces such as stations and bicycle sheds. The number of homeless people with a non-Western background has risen from 6,500 to 18,300. The number of homeless people with a Dutch or other Western background doubled between 2009 and 2018 to 21,000. Last year, no less than 84 percent of all homeless people were men. Many of them are single. The results of the study exclude the people who are staying in the Netherlands illegally and who are homeless.