
Pageviews - All views /r/MGTOW receives  Uniques - Unique logged-in and logged-out users who viewed /r/MGTOW  Subscriptions - Subscriptions to /r/MGTOW

On average, we had 22,592 unique visitors per day, and 327,889 pageviews.

In October, for the first time the odometer flipped over to 8 digits. /r/MGTOW had the high of 375,304 unique visitors and 10,926,636 pageviews.


On 10/30/2017 we had our high of nearly half a million page views at 423,869.

On 10/14/2017 we had our high of new subscriptions at 214.

On 10/18/2017 we had a high of 26,382 unique visitors.

The high point of the week in terms of pageviews and unique visitors continues to be Wednesday.

Total Subscribers : 36,757

Subreddit Rank: 2,308