tldr; old timey tv shows

So I'm staying at a friend's house, he's passed out and hungover in bed, and only has over the air broadcast TV, which means it's news, morning talk shows, religious channels, and black and white movies and TV shows.

I have nothing to do, so I'm just sort of watching it in the background, and they have an old Leave it to Beaver episode playing. Whatever.

At one point Beaver is busted by the Po Po after someone set him up under a false window breaking accusation, which Beaver solves by dropping dime on the perpetrator who named him. After the hijinks are over, Beaver and his brother are talking in the room about how as citizens in democracy you have to work together and sometimes that means squealing for the common good. They have a bit of a conversation about morality and philosophy about turning in criminals and all that, and both conclude that Daddy Ward knew best.

And it made me pause because I haven't ever seen a scene like that in any modern show. Much less anything pro-community or, God forbid, pro-father.

The next show that came up was Rawhide, starring Clint Eastwood as Rowdy Yates.

This particular episode fires up with Rowdy trying to move the herd through some place and some woman that owns the land telling him to fuck off and go somewhere else and not on her land.

Later, the mayor and some boys show up at the camp, and tell the drovers (the cattle guys) to stick around a couple of days, and they'll give them supplies (which they need) and free beer if they stick around, since an election is coming up, and any man in town can vote, so the drovers will vote for the mayor and all.

Clint goes to town to get their much needed supplies and it turns out the election is about the woman's vote. The suffragettes are out marching around banging drums and doing various terrorist activities. The mayor and townspeople are worried about the woman's vote because they'll shut down all the saloons and brothels and gambling halls, which is pretty much what they did in reality, and in fact, during the boys hanging out in the saloon, the feminists come in with axes and bash all the kegs, I guess to make them vote for votes for women by pissing them off is the strategy.

Clint plays both sides, the woman and the men to get supplies or not vote or whatever the game is.

The mayor secretly loves the head feminist, and she's all rich and a land owner who was a much older man who died and she was lonely in the marriage. The mayor wants her because <reasons>.

The head of the saloons and gambling halls come to the feminist's house to shoot up the place, Clint is there firing back, then the mayor shows up and kills the bad guys because he doesn't want them killing the feminist.

They'll all in the house and the mayor and feminist start arguing, and the mayor slaps the shit out of the feminist, Clint and him fight, Clint of course, beats the shit out of him, and the feminist, being a woman, attacks Clint for being a white knight and is all worried about the beaten mayor, completely true to form.

And the show ends. That's it. Fight for feminists, get your ass handed to you for white knighting.